How to Contact Hollywood Celebrities Online
How to Contact Hollywood Celebrities Online
Everyone loves Hollywood celebrities. Glamour world attracts us just like water attracts fish! We often get obsessed with this glamour world and the Hollywood celebrities, which sometimes results in us wanting to contact them. Contacting with these out of reach Hollywood celebrities can be hard. But if you know where to look for, and whom to ask for celebritys contact and schedule, things become easier.
First you need to decide, whose address or contacts you are actually looking for. You can then go collecting the agents contact address or e-mail address online. The agent will work as a bridge between you and your loved celebrity. Collecting the managers contact information will do the same. If you can convince them, you move very close to talking or even meeting the celebrity. The Agent is basically the money guy, so he is important. He has good relations with a lot of celebrities. Therefore hitting on an agent might open doors of several celebrities. These agents have their own websites. You need to carefully find the agent who deals with your selected celebrity and get closer to him.
Searching for the celebritys manager is also a good thing to do. Managers generally take care of all aspects of the celebritys professional career including hiring agents, publicists and lawyers. Major business decisions and related matters go through the managers. Therefore, if you can find contacts of the precious manager, you are one step ahead in meeting or talking with the celebrity. You will easily find the managers online. Just send them an e-mail or a letter. In your letter, explain why you are actually contacting that particular celebrity.