Tagged: yourself

Color Yourself In!

Color Yourself In!

Color Yourself In! It’s noisy out there! And every business wants to get noticed. We’re living in an “overcommunicated” society. Consumers are on information overload. That’s what marketing gurus, Al Ries and Jack Trout, told us 25 years ago. And that was before the Internet and Blackberries and Podcasts. So how can you grab the attention of your audience? Ever wonder why the telephone companies use frogs and dimes and monkeys and beavers and geckos in their ads? Why? Because you can’t SEE phone service. We have to learn to create a visual when we speak, so that people can...

Protecting Yourself from a Bad Marriage

Protecting Yourself from a Bad Marriage

Protecting Yourself from a Bad Marriage In modern times, almost nobody willingly enters a marriage they know to be dangerous or unhealthy. Yet, over time a large number of women find themselves in a situation they realize is out of control or simply not an environment they are comfortable in. It can be tricky dealing with divorce or separation in an abusive marriage, but you can quickly extricate yourself from the situation legally and without expensive legal fees by spending a bit of time researching your options online. Making the Decision It may take you a long time to realize...

Divorce: how to do it yourself

Divorce: how to do it yourself

Divorce: how to do it yourself There are some things in life you will surely enjoy doing yourself: building a birdcage, making a sand castle, maybe even something as ambitious as buying a house. But self-filing for divorce can really be a headache if you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. It may also be an emotionally painful experience, so make sure you have your ducks in a row before you research your options. Here are a few tips on how to go about the important task of filing for divorce so it is hassle-free. The reason you might...