Tagged: using

Using Asset Protection

Using Asset Protection

Using Asset Protection Asset protection is a means for protecting your valuables from future lawsuits and creditor collection attempts. While many people are looking for a solid way to do this, there are many ways in which they can stumble down this wrong mistakenly. For many, the options that are presented to them are not, by any means, going to work. But, there are asset protection opportunities out there that really do work. The goal is to search out the right ones and make proper use of them. Asset protection is something that many should take advantage of no matter...

Using a Genealogy Web Site to Find your Heritage

Using a Genealogy Web Site to Find your Heritage

Using a Genealogy Web Site to Find your Heritage There is just something about knowing where you came from and knowing who your ancestors are. This is the reason why many people have taken the time to trace their roots and find more information about their lineage. We all have to consider that knowing where you came from can greatly affect your decisions in which road to take to determine where you will be going. Many people have been greatly influenced with their decisions because of their lineage. Many military men have chosen this path because their ancestors have been...

Using Our Legal Rights for Estate Planning

Using Our Legal Rights for Estate Planning

Using Our Legal Rights for Estate Planning “I know my rights!” That is one of those phrases we all like to have in our arsenal if we get into a struggle, particularly with the government or a financial institution. But another phrase that is just as appropriate, especially when it comes to the rights that the legal system gives us is, “Use it or lose it.” As much as we malign lawyers and hold the government up for ridicule, there are a lot of laws on the books that are here to protect ordinary citizens like you and I. The...

Electronic Discovery – Why aren’t more law firms using it

Electronic Discovery – Why aren’t more law firms using it

Electronic Discovery– Why aren’t more law companies using it As the technology age creeps upon us and forces us review our personal lives in everything that we do, the same can be stated for how lawyers practice. Partners who have been tied to their pen and paper discussions are now being confronted with a phenomenon that has begun to pick up speed since the early 90’s- Electronic Discovery Requests. In the general practice of law, opposing counsels will ask for pertinent and essential information from each other under the aegis of full disclosure. However what takes place when this information...