Tagged: Rights

The Legal Rights of Musicians

The Legal Rights of Musicians

The Legal Rights of Musicians Creative people of all types all come back to one legal touchstone and that is copyright law. It is often sited in all kinds of cases involving literature, film, publishing and certainly in music. Within the music industry, the ability of copyright to protect an artist’s work has come under new challenges in the last ten years. The rise of peer-to-peer file sharing, online music downloading and other internet related ways that music gets passed around has presented some real challenges to musicians to collect what is due them as owners of music under copyright....

Using Our Legal Rights for Estate Planning

Using Our Legal Rights for Estate Planning

Using Our Legal Rights for Estate Planning “I know my rights!” That is one of those phrases we all like to have in our arsenal if we get into a struggle, particularly with the government or a financial institution. But another phrase that is just as appropriate, especially when it comes to the rights that the legal system gives us is, “Use it or lose it.” As much as we malign lawyers and hold the government up for ridicule, there are a lot of laws on the books that are here to protect ordinary citizens like you and I. The...