Tagged: Doesn’t

Working From Home Doesn’t Always Work

Working From Home Doesn’t Always Work

Working From Home Doesn’t Always Work Working at home is supposed to be the way forward, reducing fuel pollution and avoiding the traffic jams. We can sit in our home office, drinking lots of tea & listening to music while we work without interruptions. With fuel prices rising daily, high speed internet & office real estate soaring, many companies decide to become leaner by allowing some staff to work from their office at home. But does working from home work for everyone? For many people, working from home is the ideal solution in creating a balance between work and life....

Italy: Police Doesn’t Play “Poker Sportivo”

Italy: Police Doesn’t Play “Poker Sportivo”

Italy: Police Doesn’t Play “Poker Sportivo” Police in Rome, Italy, last weekend, raided a poker tournament last and confiscated all objects used in the the game, including 12 poker tables,all the chips and cards. The game was running for less than an hour before the local “cops” s came. Over 100 players registered for the tournament. “But it’s a legal way for playing” said A.F., the director of the club and organizer of the tournment. Permitted from the italian law (FINANZIARIA 2007). The prize pool was around the 3.000 Euro, this looked like being a highly successful event for organiser,...