Tagged: Credit

Why Are More People Seeking Help From Consumer Credit Counselors?

Why Are More People Seeking Help From Consumer Credit Counselors?

Why Are More People Seeking Help From Consumer Credit Counselors? The emergence on consumer credit counseling over the past few decades is mainly due to the increasing number of Americans who continue to charge their way into unmanageable debt. This is not to say that there aren’t some families and individuals who have ended up in debt due to no fault of their own – whether it is due to high medical bills, illness, death or a change in family status. But most end up in debt because of charging too much on credit cards and store cards and buying...

Credit Repair, A Chance For Much Needed Redemption.

Credit Repair, A Chance For Much Needed Redemption.

Credit Repair, A Chance For Much Needed Redemption. There are many actions that you can defend by saying “oh, I was just young and foolish then,” but when talking about credit this will only get you sympathy from friends. You can pay dearly for foolish financial decisions and laziness for years after you were “young and foolish,” keeping many people from realizing their full potential financially for so long that by the normal age of retirement rolls around they are forced to work 5 or 10 years longer. The answer that smart business and lawyer types have come up with...